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If you want to become a member, please fill out the form, and you will be contacted soon. Currently, there is an enrollment fee of €10, and the membership fee is €5 per quarter (€20 per year).

You can consult the Affiliates’ Regulation below.


ON MAY 29, 2010

1. Founding Affiliates
  • Founding affiliates are considered to be those present at the first General Assembly of the Association and those admitted within the following 30 days.
  • They do not require approval at the General Assembly.

2. Eventual and Effective Affiliates
  • To be admitted as an Eventual Affiliate, approval by the board is sufficient.
  • Admission is granted upon payment of an initiation fee and the quarterly membership fee.
  • Eventual Affiliates will become Effective Affiliates upon approval at the General Assembly, provided they do not receive more than three votes against, or two in the case of Founding Members.
  • If not approved, they will also lose their status as Eventual Affiliates.

3. Honorary Affiliates

  • Honorary Affiliates are individuals or entities who have rendered significant services or made commendable contributions to achieving the objectives of APVL (Via Lusitana Pilgrim Association).
  • They shall be admitted at the General Assembly, upon proposal by the board, under the same conditions as Effective Members.

4. Affiliates’ previleges
They have the right to:

  • Participate in the General Assembly of the Via Lusitana Pilgrim Association.
  • Elect and be elected to the association’s governing bodies.
  • Stay informed about all activities and decisions of the association’s governing bodies.
  • Participate in all activities organized by the Association.
  • Only Founding or Effective Affiliates have voting rights in the General Assembly.

5. Affiliates’ duties
Affiliates are expected to:

  • Contribute to the achievement of the association’s objectives.
  • Hold positions to which they have been elected.
  • Contribute to the association’s operations through payment of subscriptions.

6. Joining Fee and Subscription

  • The amounts for the joining and subscription fees will be determined at the General Assembly.
  • Failure to pay membership fees results in the suspension of the member’s rights until the situation is regularized.
  • Honorary Affiliates are exempt from the joining and subscription fee payments.
7. Affiliates lose their membership by decision of the APVL General Assembly, those who:
  • Violate the statutes or deviate from the Association’s objectives.
  • Damage the good name or interests of the Via Lusitana Pilgrim Association.
  • Faile to regularize any subscription arrears within a reasonable time communicated to them.
  • Voluntarily request to resign.

Sign up. Just fill out the form.

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